🍏🍎 Display items from Google sheet

Displays data from Google Sheet based on respondent input. Uses SheetDB to work with the sheet. You can find the sheet with data here.

Inspired by this Typeform Community thread.

Enter your phone model and details about its condition. Second typeform will be displayed with a quote and to collect personal information if you agree to the price.

How it works

  1. fill out first typeform
    1. enter phone name
    2. enter its condition
  2. submit typeform
  3. makes API call to /phone-quote endpoint (see source code on Glitch.com)
    1. it calculates price based on answers from first typeform
    2. returns phone name and proposed price
  4. second typeform is displayed
    1. it receives phone name and proposed price via hidden fields
    2. if you agree to the price, you can fill out your personal information
    3. you can submit the typeform

Note: If the phone condition is too bad, we will not buy it from you 🫠